20 Years of U.S. Hate Crimes

Data visualizations of U.S. hate crimes occurred between 2001 and 2020.

Topics covered:
1) Number of hate crime victims across the U.S. states each year.
2) Changes in the number of victims over the 20 years per state.
3) Volume of biases that the offenders reported as motivations for the crime.
4) Volume of different victim-types per year.
5) Distribution of the hate crimes by different offense types over the 20 years.
6) Hierarchy of the place types where the crimes had occurred the most.

Goals: By visualizing 20 years of the hate crime data for each of these topics, I would like to find patterns of the incident, such as when the hate crimes occurred the most, where these crimes took place, who the victims were, how the crimes were motivated, and how the crimes were carried out.

Data Source: Federal Bureau of Investigation Crime Data Explorer
The Hate Crime Statistics dataset (Years: 1991-2020, File size: 4.57MB, Last modified: Oct.25, 2021)
URL: https://crime-data-explorer.app.cloud.gov/pages/downloads

About the dataset and data preparations:
The dataset includes the number of incidents, offenses, victims, and location types in reported crimes between 1991 and 2020 that are motivated in whole, or in part, by an offender’s bias against the victim’s perceived race, gender, gender identity, religion, disability, sexual orientation, or ethnicity. According to the data source website, this data are captured by indicating the element of bias present in offenses already being reported to the FBI's Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) Program and contributed by all law enforcement agencies, whether they submit Summary Reporting System (SRS) or National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS) reports.

For this data visualization project, I included the records that are reported only between 2001 and 2020, and this new dataset includes a total of 145,847 hate crime incidents against 180,925 victims.
Each incident can be reported with up to five bias motivations, and 4.5% of all biase types are multi-biased (6,494/145,847), 1.7% of all victim types consist of multiple victim types (2,478/145,847), 3.2% of all offense types consist of multiple offense types (4,684/145,847), and 4.7% of all location types include multiple location types (6,852/145,847).

The total victim counts are visualized using the US map and line chart in Part I and II below.
The total incident counts are visualized for different types of motivation, victim, offense, and location in Part III to VI.
For Part III to VI, I have generated new datasetsethat split multiple biases into multiple rows to ensure every incident types are included in the visualization.

The term victim may refer to an individual, business/financial institution, government entity, religious organization, or society/public as a whole.
A multiple-bias incident is an incident in which one or more offense types are motivated by two or more biases.

Part I. Volume of hate crime victims across the states.

Year 2020 has the highest reported incidents and highest number of victims for hate crime since 2001.
Incidents reported in California, New Jersey, and New York are responsible for over 31% of the hate crime victims.

Part II. Volume of hate crime victims over the last 20 years.

California has the highest number of reported hate crime victims each and every year since 2001.

Part III-IV. Motivations of the hate crimes and types of the victims.

African Americans are the most targeted population for race-biased crimes, each and every year.
Anti-Asian incidents increased almost double in the year 2020 compared to the year 2019.

Part V. How hate crimes were carried out.

Destruction of Property, Intimidation, and Aggravated Assault are the top 3 acts of hate crimes.

Part VI. Where these crimes took place.

31.0% of the time hate crimes occurred in residential areas, 18.5% on highways, and 9.5% in schools.


  • View the developments in the fight for passage of federal hate crimes legislation from 1989-2009 on the Human Rights Campaign website.

  • 2020 Hate Crimes Statistics on the FBI website.
    *Please note that the 2020 hate crime statistics displayed on the FBI website is based on the data as of Auguest 2021. However, the dataset used in my project is last updated October 2021 and has more number of records for the hate crime incidents.

  • An online platform where you can directly convert csv to json or json to csv. (https://csvjson.com/csv2json)

  • The U.S. geographical information from a Google developer’s site: (https://developers.google.com/public-data/docs/canonical/states_csv)